Partner with us

Watch the video to hear from our current MTS Partners



Join a global movement


Build global connections


Create meaningful opportunities for students

Be part of a movement which values understanding problems first, before proposing solutions. We believe this is the future of social impact education. Form relationships among staff, faculty, and students from a range of other universities & colleges, all of whom are passionate about positive social change. Give students the chance to win cash prizes, make valuable connections, and develop their ideas for impact in their chosen field.



 Joining as a partner


We seek to continue to find new partnerships with higher education institutions around the world. Below we have listed the current eligibility criteria if your institution seeks to join as a partner from September 2024.

Institution Eligibility:

  • Institutions must be considered a higher educational institution (e.g. universities, vocational universities, community colleges, liberal arts colleges, institutes of technology and other collegiate level institutions, such as vocational schools, trade schools and career colleges, that award academic degrees or professional certifications).
  • Institutions must have internal capacity to support students throughout the cycle of the MTS global programme (mid-September to mid-June).
  • Institutions must commit to securing at least three registrations from student teams/individuals at their institution.

Canadian Partners

Canadian Institutions are encouraged to register for the Canadian Edition of Map the System. As part of the global competition, Map the System Canada hosts a national final that brings together emerging systems change leaders in Canada who are passionate about social and environmental change. Visit Map the System Canada

Why register as a partner?

The Skoll Centre will provide each partner institution with:

  • Access to our dedicated Map the System Online Course, to be launched from September 2024 on our new online learning platform, Oxford Saïd Online. Our world-class online course on systems change will be delivered on an accessible platform in a user-friendly and engaging format. Leveraging the best of our Oxford faculty and the global Skoll Centre network, the online course will reach many more students and other changemakers around the world. While we will expand the reach of the programme, the core principles will remain the same - using systems thinking to develop a deep understanding of a problem you care about and to generate innovative ideas for change.
  • Access for educators and students to the carefully designed learning materials, guidance documents, and discussion boards. Recorded workshops and masterclasses taught by Oxford University academics and practitioners.
  • Educators will also be invited to a series of online webinars and virtual networking for educators at partner institutions around the world, to gather new ideas, answer questions, and share resources. We also plan to regularly convent the educator community.
  • Regular communications and coordination of the key stages of the programme including the global competition. 
  • Opportunity for one team per institution (institutions will select their own finalist) to take part in the Map the System online Semi-Finals to be hosted in Spring 2025.
  • Opportunity for top teams from Semi-Finals to advance to the 5-day Global Final event in Oxford where the top teams and educators from all over the world come together to share and celebrate their research, learn from world-class systems thinking practitioners, join workshops and other networking opportunities. 

Why bring Map the System to your campus?

Map the System is a unique learning opportunity for students and educators interested in social or environmental systems change. Over the years, Map the System has proven to:

  • Encourage participants’ interest in becoming agents of change around social and environmental issues that they care about. 
  • Provide new mindsets and tools with which to become more effective change agents; maximising positive impacts and minimising negative impacts.
  • Deepen understanding in participants’ chosen topics in ways that may lead to future impact.
  • Generate exposure to the systems mindset, improving participants’ analytical and communications capacity as citizens and ability to operate in increasingly complex professional and workplace contexts.
  • Opportunity for your students to build sought-after employability skills to support them in further studies and future employment. Systems-thinking skills can be applied to any context and our graduates continue to use 
  • Increase global visibility for your team and university as a partner of the Skoll Centre, and by association the University of Oxford.

Want to partner with us?

Registration will open for Map the System 2025 by August 2024. If you would like to be added to our mailings lists to register your interest, please email us at