Sharon Zivkovic
CIO and Co-Founder
Wicked Lab
Sharon Zivkovic is the Founder and CEO of Community Capacity Builders and Cofounder and Chief Innovation Officer at Wicked Lab. In partnership with government, Community Capacity Builders delivers active citizenship programs and a program for social entrepreneurs that takes a complex systems approach. Wicked Lab developed an online Tool for Systemic Change that assists governments and communities to address wicked problems by mapping and strengthening ecosystems of initiatives that address the underpinning causal factors of a specific wicked problem. It also delivers a project-based Complex Systems Leadership Program and a program that supports the development of Systemic Innovation Labs.
In 2012 Sharon received the Award for Best Overall Paper at International Social Innovation Research Conference (ISIRC) for a paper describing this model and in 2016 she received a Fresh Scientist award for her work in addressing wicked problems using complexity science.
She is an Adjunct Research Associate at the University of South Australia, a Visiting Fellow at Northumbria University, she is a Lecturer in Social Enterprise and Social Entrepreneurship at the University of Adelaide and is on the Board of the University of South Australia’s Yunus Social Business Centre. Sharon also Co-Chairs the Social Innovation and Complexity Stream at ISIRC.