Adolescent Pregnancy in Peru - University of Chicago


Adolescent Pregnancy in Peru

University of Chicago

United States


 Runner up

Structural barriers to the reduction of teenage motherhood across Peru

Research Team

Annie Kuster, Masters of Arts, Harris School of Public Policy at the University of Chicago

Sara Surani, Master of Global Affairs, Schwarzman Scholar


Project Summary

This team used systems analysis on the structural barriers to the reduction of teenage motherhood across Peru. Two of their key insights were: 1) Many complex factors contribute to high incidence of adolescent pregnancy, it is unlikely that
Peru will see significant changes without significant systemic overhaul starting with strategic partnerships and communication across different sectors. 2) The Peruvian government has yet to fully identify this issue as a crisis, members from
grassroots to government must identify adolescent pregnancy as a crisis calling for immediate action.


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Written Summary  
